"I think many people would find it a useful resource, both in terms of information on particular philosophers and as a point of inspiration for designing courses that incorporate the work of women philosophers. . . . I expect I will refer individual students to this book as a resource for their own work and I will consult it in designing future courses." —Teaching Philosophy
"With intelligence and agility, the writers [present] female thinkers who influenced the famous (male) philosophers of their respective ages. This should become a standard text in both philosophy and women's studies classes and will have great appeal to lay readers as well. Highly recommended." —Library Journal
This study of women philosophers from the Middle Ages to the 20th century covers a wide spectrum of ideas—from religion, to evolution, to political theory. This unique volume brings creative women thinkers into mainstream discussions of the history of philosophy. Contributors examine the work of, among others, Hildegard of Bingen, Vicountess Conway, Sor Juana, Mary Wollstonecraft, Hannah Arendt, Angela Davis, and Hypatia herself.