Welcome to the proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010. EuroHaptics is the major inter- tional conference and the primary European meeting for researchers in the ?eld of - man haptic sensing and touch-enabled computer applications. We were proud to have received more submissions for presentations, demonstrations and special sessions than ever before. This shows that the topic and the conference's quality and approach appeal to an increasing number of researchers and companies. We received more than 200 submissions for oral and poster presentations, demos and pre-conference special workshops. A team of 25 associate editors and 241 revi- ers read the submissions and advised the four volume editors. We owe the associate - itors and reviewers many thanks. We accepted 43 submissions as oral and 80 as poster presentations, 7 pre-conference workshops were approved and more than 20 demos could be experienced 'hands-on' during the conference. The proceedings contain all oral and poster presentation papers. No distinction between the two presentation types was made because selection was not on the basis of submission quality but on relevance for a broad audience. We were proud to add three distinguished keynote speakers to the conference program: Mark Ernst, Rosalyn Driscoll and Patrick van der Smagt. Besidestheauthors,presentersandreviewers,wewouldliketoexpressourgratitude to our supporting organizations, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scienti?c Research TNO, VU University Amsterdam, Utrecht University and Delft University of Technology,and to our sponsors,especially ourfour gold-levelsponsors:Force Dim- sion, Engineering Systems Technologies, TNO and Moog.