`Wonderful value... Rosenblith has overviewed the world of infancy research in exquisite detail... she has scoured the journals, organised the findings, interpreted the conclusions, weighed the balance of the evidence and presented a compendium which is invaluable. It is hard to imagine anyone concerned with the development of infants who would not benefit by having access to its nearly 600, A4-sized pages, whether general practitioners, parents, social workers or psychiatrists. It is superbly edited and published' -British Journal of Psychiatry
Popular for its presentation of current data and its focus on methods for studying infants, this best-selling text is now available in a thorough revision - and in paper. New to this edition are a number of topics: alternative birthing techniques and their effects; neuropsychological tests for premature infants; the effects of cocaine and other ingested substances on foetal development and the infant.