What do ISO 9001, Lean, and an Arctic Rose tree have in common? Readers will find out in this entertaining and compelling futuristic story that contrasts differing approaches to implementing Lean and ISO 9001.
You'll notice yourself identifying with the book's characters in this thought-provoking and comedic satire of universal proportions. Set in the year 7278, you'll read about how the legacy techniques of Lean and ISO 9001 are still being applied by cut-throat competitors in distant galaxies. Their divergent approaches will determine success or failure, life or death. Are you an ARC, a pirate, or a Krote? Will your company find success or failure? . . . or its demise?
If you're involved in implementing, maintaining, or improving quality management systems and integrating them with Lean, you'll readily see how these actions can complement and enable one another to produce a successful, synergistic system. Imagine the exciting possibilities when bureaucracy and non-value-added burden can be eliminated.