"Carter Timothy R.; Crossley Jennifer F.; Hulme Mike; Malyshev Sergey; New Mark G.; Sclesinger Michael E.; Tuomenvirta Heikki" Suomen ympäristökeskus (2000)
Drawing on the expertise of Chinese and Western academics and practitioners, the contributors to this volume aim to advance the understanding of philanthropy for health in China in the 20th century and to identify future challenges and opportunities. Considering government, NGO leaders, domestic philanthropists, and foreign foundations, the volume examines the historical roots and distinct stages of philanthropy and charity in China, the health challenges philanthropy must address, and the role of the Chinese government, including its support for Government Organized Non-Governmental Organizations (GONGOs). The editors discuss strategies and practices of international philanthropy for health; the role of philanthropy in China's evolving health system; and the prospects for philanthropy in a country beginning to engage with civil society.
Contributions by: Bronwyn Carter, Deng Guosheng, Fan Li, David Faure, Susan A. Jolly, Joan Kaufman, Jeffrey P. Koplan, Vivian Lin, Pam Redmon, Caroline Reeves, Mark Sidel, Darwin H. Stapleton, Wang Zhenyao, Zhang Lu, Zhang Xiulan, Zhao Yanhui, Ray Yip, Mary Brown Bullock, Zhao Xiaoping, Zi Zhongyun, Xu Yongguang, Eve Lee, Mary Ann Burris