Giorgio Agamben; Alain Badiou; Daniel Bensaid; Wendy Brown; Jean-Luc Nancy; Jacques Rancière; Kristin Ross; Slavoj Žižek Columbia University Press (2011) Kovakantinen kirja
Written by leading experts from across Europe, this book provides a grounded exploration of innovation in the practice, research and education of social work. It focuses on the role of participation, collaboration and co-creation as key drivers of social innovation within these fields, providing practical examples of social entrepreneurship, people-centred design and participatory led innovation.
The positive outcomes of local social innovations are analysed in the wider European framework, with reflections and recommendations for advancing innovation in policy, service provision, education and research.
Contributions by: Susan Baines, Annica Brummel, Zsolt Bugarszki, Geof Cox, Leendert De Bell, Luc De Droogh, Lena Dominelli, Koen Dortmans, Kristel Driessens, Rosa Engebrigtsen Bye, Tony Evans, Isabel Ferreira, Chris Fox, Marta Gaboardi, Sandra Geelhoed, Jeroen Gradener, Nathalie Grahame, Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann, Eva Heijmans, Maria Inês Amaro, Jana Javornik, Antonela Spinola Jesus, Meike Koop, Alfonso Lara-Montero, Sabina Licursi, Vicky Lyssens-Danneboom, Dagmar Narusson, Sitsel Therese Natland, Nathalie Nunes, Emanuela Pascuzzi, Ole Pedersen, Ankie Schoenmaker, Henk Spies, Lineke Van Hal, Mara A. Yerkes, Ina Tilma