Leonard Bolc; Ryszard Tadeusiewicz; Leszek J. Chmielewski; Konrad Wojciechowski Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG (2010) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Leonard Bolc; Ryszard Tadeusiewicz; Leszek J. Chmielewski; Konrad Wojciechowski Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG (2010) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Leszek J. Chmielewski (ed.); Ryszard Kozera (ed.); Arkadiusz Orłowski (ed.); Konrad Wojciechowski (ed.); Alfred Bruckstein Springer (2018) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
The International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, ICCVG, or- nized since 2002, is the continuation of the International Conferences on C- puter Graphics and Image Processing, GKPO, held in Poland every second year from1990to2000.ThefounderandorganizeroftheseconferenceswasProf.W- ciech Mokrzycki. The main objective of ICCVG is to provide a forum for the exchangeofideasbetweenresearchersintheclosely-relateddomainsofcomputer vision and computer graphics. ICCVG2010gatheredabout100authors.Theproceedingscontain95papers, eachacceptedonthe groundsof two independent reviews.During the conference two special sessions were organized: Advances in Pattern Recognition, Machine Vision and Image Understanding and Human Motion Analysis and Synthesis. The content of the issue has been divided into three parts. The ?rst and second parts are related to the two special sessions mentioned above, containing 11 chapters each. The third part, named like the whole book, Computer Vision and Graphics, collects all the remaining chapters. ICCVG 2010 was organized by the Association for Image Processing,Poland (Towarzystwo Przetwarzania Obraz' ow - TPO), the Polish-Japanese Institute of InformationTechnology(PJWSTK),andthe FacultyofAppliedInformaticsand Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WZIM SGGW). The Associationfor ImageProcessingintegratesthe Polishcommunity wo- ingonthetheoryandapplicationsofcomputervisionandgraphics.Itwasformed between 1989 and 1991. The Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, founded in 1994 by the Computer Techniques Development Foundation under the agreement of the Polish and Japanese governments, is one of the leading, non-state (private) Polishuniversities.We arehighly gratefulforthe fact thatthe institute has been hosting and supporting the Conference.