Felix Thome; Hanns Sauter; Hans-Joachim Remmert; Stefan Böntert; Abraham Roelofsen; Monika Kettenhofen; Jürgen Kaufmann Katholisches Bibelwerk (2019) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Nils Hansson; Maria Griemmert; Matthis Krischel; Chantal Marazia; Friedrich Moll; Anne Oommen-Halbach; Giacomo Padrini Lehmanns Media GmbH (2020) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Nils Hansson; Maria Griemmert; Matthis Krischel; Chantal Marazia; Friedrich Moll; Anne Oommen-Halbach; Giacomo Padrini Lehmanns Media GmbH (2021) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
This textbook addresses the growing international need for a practical manual that teaches physicians how to apply cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) in the day‐to‐day provision of patient healthcare.
The book introduces readers to the concept of CAP, how it works, and how safe it is, before describing several diseases and other medical indications for its application. The book subsequently provides guidelines for daily clinical practice, e.g. for treating chronic wounds, decontaminating infected skin lesions, and rendering multi-resistant bacteria inert, as well as a detailed overview of plasma devices. In closing, it addresses organizational aspects, which are essential to cultivating and maintaining quality standards in the application of cold medical plasma. This textbook offers a unique educational resource and provides relevant information on plasma medicine as an emerging multidisciplinary discipline. Practitioners will appreciate this integrated, comprehensive guide, which is also suitable for advanced students of medicine and dentistry, and for nurses serving on plasma-assisted medical teams.