The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs provide federal research and development funding to small businesses. One of the the goals of these programs is to foster and encourage participation by minority and disadvantaged persons in technological innovation. Innovation, Diversity, and Success in the SBIR/STTR Programs is the summary of a workshop convened in February 2013 that focused on the participation of women, minorities, and both older and younger scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs in the SBIR and STTR programs, with the goal of reviewing current efforts to expand the pool of SBIR/STTR-funded researchers and of identifying mechanisms for improving participation rates. This report is a record of the presentation and discussions of the event.
Table of Contents
Front Matter 1 Introduction 2 Moving Forward: Finding Solutions 3 Opening Remarks: Defining the Issue 4 Women and the SBIR Program 5 Profiles of Scientists and Engineers and an Aging Workforce 6 SBIR/STTR and Support for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Scientists and Engineers 7--Cases of Successful High-Tech Entrepreneurship 8 Roundtable Discussion Appendix A-- Agenda Appendix B-- Participants List Appendix C-- Data on Woman and Minority Participation in the SBIR Program at the Department of Defense Appendix D-- Bibliography