Ralph Goll; Curtis Kenyon; Fran Striker; Tom Seller; Joe Richardson; George W. Trendle; Charles Larson; Dan Beattie; Har KINOWELT Home Entertainment (2010) DVD-video
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Create and Distribute High-impact Microsoft Power View Reports
Explore data in insightful new ways and transform the way your enterprise uses BI with help from this expert guide. Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power View shows how to effectively analyze and communicate complex information through elegant interactive reports. Discover how to create and populate tables, connect to databases, build multi-view reports in real-time, and publish your results to end-users. BI Semantic Model development and administration are also covered in this comprehensive volume.
Launch Power View and navigate its user interface
Load BI from SQL databases and external sources
Build basic and multi-level table visualizations
Develop card-, chart-, and matrix-based reports
Incorporate auto-sizing, filtering, tiling, and slicing
Securely distribute reports via SharePoint and PowerPivot
Add functionality with hierarchies, perspectives, and KPIs
Design, deploy, and support custom BI Semantic Models
DVD includes:
More than four hours of video demonstrations
A complete package of sample data—a Power View-optimized BI Semantic Model, a SQL Server database, and additional underlying data sources
Comprehensive instructions for creating a learning environment, including Windows Server, SharePoint Server 2010, and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with PowerPivot and Reporting Services SharePoint integration
Six completed Power View Reports that include multiple views, visualizations, and performance dashboards
BI Semantic Model with advanced extensions using DAX functions, including date and time, mathematical, logical, informational, and statistical functions