Like many other industries, health care is increasingly turning to digital information and the use of electronic resources. The Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care hosted three workshops to explore current efforts and opportunities to accelerate progress in improving health and health care with information technology systems.
Table of Contents
Front Matter Synopsis and Highlights 1 Introduction 2 Visioning Perspectives on the Digital Health Utility 3 Technical Issues for the Digital Health Infrastructure 4 Engaging Patient and Population Needs 5 Weaving a Strong Trust Fabric 6 Stewardship and Governance in the Learning Health System 7 Perspectives on Innovation 8 Fostering the Global Dimension of the Health Data Trust 9 Growing the Digital Health Infrastructure 10 Accelerating Progress Appendix A: The Learning Health System and the Digital Health Utility Appendix B: Case Studies for the Digital Health Infrastructure Appendix C: Example Stakeholder Responsibilities and Opportunities Appendix D: Summary Overview of Meaningful Use Objectives Appendix E: PCAST Report Recommendations Appendix F: Workshop Agendas Appendix G: Workshop Participants Other Publications in The Learning Health System Series