Walter S. Judd; Daniel L. Nickrent; Kenneth R. Robertson; J. Richard Abbott; Barbara S. Carlsward; Tanja M. Schuster; Camp Sinauer Associates Is an Imprint of Oxford University Press (2017) Digitaalinen tallenne, määrittelemätön
Alf Rolla; Jens Münchberger; Regina Fouque; Ute AnneMarie Schuster; Kerstin Steinhöfel; Christian Bass; Barbara Kopf; Dea Traumstunden Verlag (2012) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Inverse problems such as imaging or parameter identification deal with the recovery of unknown quantities from indirect observations, connected via a model describing the underlying context. While traditionally inverse problems are formulated and investigated in a static setting, we observe a significant increase of interest in time-dependence in a growing number of important applications over the last few years. Here, time-dependence affects a) the unknown function to be recovered and / or b) the observed data and / or c) the underlying process. Challenging applications in the field of imaging and parameter identification are techniques such as photoacoustic tomography, elastography, dynamic computerized or emission tomography, dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, super-resolution in image sequences and videos, health monitoring of elastic structures, optical flow problems or magnetic particle imaging to name only a few. Such problems demand for innovation concerning their mathematical description and analysis as well as computational approaches for their solution.