Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu; Konigliche Sternwarte Zu Berlin; Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Zu Berli Arkose Press (2015) Kovakantinen kirja
Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu; Konigliche Sternwarte Zu Berlin; Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Zu Berli Arkose Press (2015) Kovakantinen kirja
Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu; Konigliche Sternwarte Zu Berlin; Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Zu Berli Arkose Press (2015) Kovakantinen kirja
Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu; Konigliche Sternwarte Zu Berlin; Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Zu Berli Arkose Press (2015) Kovakantinen kirja
Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu; Konigliche Sternwarte Zu Berlin; Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Zu Berli Arkose Press (2015) Kovakantinen kirja
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts is devoted to the recording, summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout the world. Two volumes are scheduled to appear per year. Volume 72 records 12,563 papers covering besides the classical fields of astronomy and astrophysics such matters as space flights related to astronomy, lunar and planetary probes and satellites, meteorites and interplanetary matter, X-rays and cosmic rays, quasars and pulsars. The abstracts are classified under more than one hundred subject categories thus permitting quick surveying of the bulk of material published on the same topic within six months. For instance, this volume records 221 papers on minor planets, 270 papers on supernovae, and 663 papers on cosmology.