"The combination of scientific and institutional integrity represented by this book is unusual. It should be a model for future endeavors to help quantify environmental risk as a basis for good decisionmaking." —William D. Ruckelshaus, from the foreword. This volume, prepared under the auspices of the Health Effects Institute, an independent research organization created and funded jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency and the automobile industry, brings together experts on atmospheric exposure and on the biological effects of toxic substances to examine what is known—and not known—about the human health risks of automotive emissions.
Table of Contents
Front Matter Part I: Overview The Social Context of Automotive Emissions Research Project History and Organization Motor Vehicle Emissions: A Strategy for Quantifying Risk Part II: Exposure Analysis Automotive Emissions Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Air Pollutants Associated with Vehicular Emissions Atmospheric Transformations of Automotive Emissions Ambient Levels of Anthropogenic Emissions and Their Atmospheric Transformation Products Mathematical Modeling of the Effect of Emission Sources on Atmospheric Pollutant Concentrations Assessment of Human Exposure to Air Pollution: Methods, Measurements, and Models Biological Disposition of Airborne Particles: Basic Principles and Application to Vehicular Emissions Biological Disposition of Vehicular Airborne Emissions: Particle-Associated Organic Constituents Transport and Uptake of Inhaled Gases Dosimetry Modeling of Inhaled Toxic Reactive Gases Part III: Biological Effects Epidemiologic Studies of Effects of Oxidant Exposure on Human Populations Biochemical and Cellular Interrelationships in the Development of Ozone-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis Relation of Pulmonary Emphysema and Small Airways Disease to Vehicular Emissions Asthma and Automotive Emissions Effects of Automotive Emissions on Susceptibility to Respiratory Infections Assessment of Carcinogenicity: Generic Issues and Their Application to Diesel Exhaust Potential Carcinogenic Effects of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Nitroaromatics in Mobile Source Emissions Health Effects of Aldehydes and Alcohols in Mobile Source Emissions Evaluation of Automotive Emissions as Risk Factors for the Development of Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease Identifying Neurobehavioral Effects of Automotive Emissions and Fuel Components Index