Re-civilize Life Online!
PROVEN Conflict Management and Prevention for Social Media and the Web
Ever seem like the Web is just one big screaming match? Ever feel like you’re refereeing a worldwide tantrum on YOUR social media sites, blogs, and online forums? That’s not good for your goals—
or your sanity. Stop. Now. Step back. Take a breath. And
solve the problem. Thought you couldn’t? You can:
there are proven best practices for getting people to be civil online. Even when they disagree. Even if they’re complaining. You can avoid misunderstandings that lead to flame wars, and promote constructive conversation amongst those with strongly held views. And, finally,
you can handle the people that just can’t be civilized. Today, these skills are flat-out imperative. Everyone who leads, curates, manages, or participates in online communities needs them. Andrea Weckerle hasn’t just compiled them: she’s created a 30-Day Action Plan for restoring civility to
your corner of the digital world. This plan works—
and not one moment too soon.
Master the foundational skills you need to resolve and prevent conflict online
Understand the dynamics of each online conflict, from procedural disputes to online lynch mobs
Stay cool and effectively manage conflict in even the highest-pressure online environments
Differentiate between what people say and what they really want
Create a positive online footprint—or start cleaning up a negative image
Recognize online troublemakers and strategize ways to handle them
Manage your own anger—and, when necessary, express it online safely and productively
Strategically manage others’ online hostility and frustration
Limit risks to your organization’s online reputation due to actions it can’t control
Draft and implement corporate social media policies that actually work