Exploring and discerning a vocation is an exciting and challenging journey. This latest addition to the Learn series Tomorrow's Calling: discerning a call to ministry, draws on many first-hand experiences of others who have travelled this road.
This new resource looks at call and vocation through the eyes and from the hearts of those who have experienced it. We explore what it means to be called by God, and to venture out into accepting that call, through a good balance of articles, alongside personal testimony to help encourage and cement our learning; plus beautiful prayers to help us take this to God in prayer.
The content is split into three sections:
*Hearing a Call: exploring how we might begin to sense a call from God.
*Discerning a Call: a look at the many different ways call can be experienced and lived out in the Church and community
*Responding to a Call: considering God's call to serve God's kingdom, and the joys and challenges of ministry