Connect new adult readers and your library. ""Adult Learners Welcome Here"" is designed to help librarians connect new adult readers with books and to acquaint literacy teachers with materials generally available in their public library. Weibel outlines the library's role in fostering adult literacy and shows how popular library materials - art and photography books, poetry, literature, non-fiction, and print and electronic reference sources - can be used by librarians and teachers in new and innovative ways. She provides recommended titles (complete with bibliographic information, annotations, subject headings, and reading levels) and ready-to-use lessons that improve visual literacy, creativity, and even technological competency while building phonetic skills and comprehension. The recommendations and lessons can be used with all levels of adult learners and both native and non-native English speakers. There is guidance for improving instruction to adults and building literacy coalitions between libraries and other community organizations. This unique and comprehensive resource will help libraries improve their own services and support the important work of educators in their community.